You are currently viewing *NEW UPDATE!* Yahoo! Auctions Higher Bid Notifications are now faster!
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*NEW UPDATE!* Yahoo! Auctions Higher Bid Notifications are now faster!

NEW – April 5, 2023: Yahoo! Auctions Higher Bid Notifications are now faster!

When bidding on an item on Yahoo! Auctions, users will now receive close to real-time email notifications when another user has placed a higher bid.

Get notifications and make sure you secure that winning bid on the item you want!

Plus, with our changes to our Yahoo! Auctions payment fee being reduced to 0 yen it’s doubly easier to secure your bids! (More details below)

FROM JAPAN Yahoo Auctions

Bid more on Yahoo! Auctions with a 0 yen payment fee!

Since January 19, 2023 at 11:00 (JST), the Yahoo! Auctions payment fee is now free.

Date of Change
January 19, 2023 at 11:00 (JST)

Before: 200 yen per successful bid
After: free of charge

If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to contact our customer service team: