Updated in September 2021 with the latest information – enjoy!
Have you ever wished that you could wake up in the world of Pokemon and train your own horde of critters? A real-life Pokemon universe may be just a fantasy, but Bandai’s Pokemon Scale World line of highly-detailed figures is an excellent way to recreate the Poke-world! Each figure is a 1/20 scale version of the respective Pokemon or character, with over 60 fan favorites from the Kanto and Johto region to collect. Read on to see our roundup of all the figures in the collection and how to get your hands on these Japan-exclusive Poke-goodies. Enjoy!
Pokemon Scale World Kanto Region Set

The first release from the Pokemon Scale World collection featured favorites from the original 151 Kanto Pokemon. Originally sold as blind boxes under Bandai’s Shokugan range or from Premium Bandai as a set, this first release included 1/20 scale mini-figures of Red, Mewtwo, Mew, Pikachu, Eevee, Charmander, Charmeleon, Eevee, Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Squirtle, and Wartortle.
Pokemon Scale World Professor Kanto Region Professor Oak Set

Professor Oak with Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur joined the Pokemon Scale World as a Premium Bandai Exclusive, with the mini-figures boasting stunning attention to detail. This set of 1/20 scale figures also comes with three patches of grass and the table holding the three Pokeballs found in Professor Oak’s lab.
Pokemon Scale World Kanto Region Blue and Arcanine Set

Blue, Pokemon’s most infamous rival, looks ready to exclaim “Smell ya later!” in this Premium Bandai exclusive Pokemon Scale World mini-figure. The set comes with Blue and the majestic Arcanine, both beautifully rendered in 1/20 scale.
Pokemon Scale World Kanto Region Leaf, Clefable and Gengar Set

Leaf stands strong in her Premium exclusive Pokemon Scale World 1/20 scale mini-figure! The heroine of the Kanto Region is accompanied by the normal-type Clefable and Ghost-type Gengar.
Pokemon Scale World Kanto Region Giovanni Set

The dastardly leader of Team Rocket joins the Pokemon Scale World series alongside his faithful companions Nidoqueen, Lapras, and Porygon. The four 1/20 scale figures were sold as a set exclusive to Premium Bandai.
Pokemon Scale World Johto Region Set

The first Johto Region set to come from Pokemon Scale World featured protagonist Ethan and his Pokemon friends Tyflosion, Quilava, Cyndaquil, Aipom, Totodile, Chikorita, Unown, Espeon, Umbreon, male and female versions of Wobbuffet, Aipom, Pichu, and Togepi. You could buy the complete set from premium Bandai, or separately as blind boxes.
Pokemon Scale World Johto Region – Feraligatr and Meganium

The mighty Meganium and ferocious Feraligatr were released in March 2020 and complete the set of Johto Region starter final evolutions in the Pokemon Scale World series!
Pokemon Scale World Johto Region Silver, Sneasel and Croconaw Set

Generation II rival Silver looks broody-as-can-be in his 1/20 scale mini-figure from the Pokemon Scale World series. Silver, alongside dark-type Sneasel and water-type Croconaw, was sold as a Premium Bandai and Pokemon Center exclusive.
Pokemon Scale World Johto Region Lyra, Bayleef, Smoochum, and Natu set

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver’s Lyra is adventure-ready in her Pokemon Scale World mini-figure! The up-and-coming Pokemon trainer was a Premium Bandai and Pokemon Center exclusive and comes with 1/20 scale figures of Bayleef, Smoochum, and Natu.
Pokemon Scale World Johto Region Morty, Misdreavus, and Celebi Set

Ghost-type Gym Leader Morty looks ready to challenge some hopeful Pokemon trainers in his 1/20 scale figure from the Pokemon Scale World collection. The formidable Gym Leader is accompanied by three patches of grass, the mysterious Misdreavus and celestial Celebi.
Pokemon Scale World Kanto Region 02 Set

In the second Kanto Region set, you can find Blue with a menagerie of Poke-friends from the first games. The full set comes with a 1/20 scale figure of Blue, three patches of grass, Pidgeotto, Vulpix, Magikarp, Rattata, Pidgey, Oddish, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Ditto. The mini-figures could be purchased as a set from Premium Bandai and other hobby shops, or as randomized blind boxes.
Pokemon Scale World Johto Region Entei, Suicune, and Raikou

Entei, Suicune, and Raiko, the Johto Region’s Legendary Trio, joined the Pokemon Scale World collection as 1/20 scale mini-figures. The collection was sold exclusively on Premium Bandai and the Pokemon Center and is set to be released in June 2020.
Pokemon Scale World Kanto Region Lance and Dragonite Set

The mighty Lance and his loyal companion Dragonite are set to join the Pokemon Scale World series in July 2020 and were available pre-order on Premium Bandai’s official store.
Pokemon Scale World Kanto Region Red, Snorlax, and Pokemon Flute Set

Red makes his second appearance in the Pokemon Scale World collection alongside Snorlax and the Pokeflute which was used to wake up the sleepy Pokemon on Route 7 in the first games. The set was available for pre-order on Premium Bandai, with August 2020 as the release date.
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region Set

Friends from Pokemon Sword and Shield join the Pokemon Scale World family of figures! The full set comes with 1/20 scale figures of Gloria, Grookey, Sobble, Scorbunny, Thawkey, Raboot, Drizzile, Cinderace, Inteleon, Yamper, Wooloo, Alcremie, and Toxel.
Pokemon Scale World Rillaboom

Rilaboom, the final evolution of Grookey, is set to join the Pokemon Scale World series in September 2020, and is available for pre-order on Premium Bandai’s official store. The set is available for pre-order on Premium Bandai and is expected to be shipped in September 2020.
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region Nessa & Drednaw

The first gym leader-Pokemon duo from the Galar region is the calm but competitive Nessa and the turtle-like water Pokemon, Drednaw. They come in a set and are looking more than ready for whatever Pokemon battles heading their way!
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region Raihan & Duraludon

Raihan is another gym leader from the Galar Region that’s being introduced as part of Pokemon Scale World. His figure comes with his trusty, metallic dinosaur-like Pokemon, Duraludon.
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region Corviknight

This figure of Corviknight is being released as part of Pokemon Scale World’s Galar region series. Corviknight’s figure even perfectly captures the dark, shiny texture it appears to have in the anime.
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region 02 Set

This extensive set features the two player characters from the hit video game, Pokemon Sword and Shield, and they are Victor and Gloria. On top of that, the set also comes with 10 different types of Pokemon, for a grand total of 12 beautifully made figures!
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region Allister & Cursola & Mimikyu

Moving on to our next entries in the Galar region figures, we have a trio. Allister is the shy gym leader of the Stow-on-Side Stadium, and with him in this set are the ghost-type Pokemon, Cursola and Mimikyu.
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region Bea & Hitmontop

Next, we have the strong-willed gym leader Bea, and her fighting-type Pokemon, Hitmontop! They both look geared and ready to dominate the gym and anyone else who stands in their way.
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region Gym Battle Set

The next set for the Galar region is quite special. Here, we have the two player characters from Pokemon Sword and Shield yet again, but they’ve had a costume change and can be seen in a uniform! They’ll be fighting alongside a total of four Pokemon (Gossifleur, Impidimp, Rolycoly, and Skwovet) to complete this unique set.
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region Leon & Dragapult

Of course, we can’t have a Galar region series without the reigning champion of the Pokémon League in Pokémon Sword and Shield: Leon! In this set, Leon comes alongside the Dragon/Ghost-type Pokemon, Dragapult.
Pokemon Scale World Hoenn Region Swampert

To introduce us to a new region in Pokemon Scale World, we have two new Pokemon joining the lineup. Up first, we have the dual Water/Ground-type Pokémon, Swampert, who’s looking enthusiastic to join your collection.
Pokemon Scale World Hoenn Region Sceptile

For the other new Pokemon, we’re switching to a grass-type Pokemon with Sceptile. Sceptile is the final form of Treecko, and its figure gets all the details right, including its pointy tail.
Pokemon Scale World Hoenn Region Set

The Hoenn region is ready to join Pokemon Scale World with not one, not two, but eleven new figures! The first Hoenn Region set consists of trainers May and Brendan, with figures for the starter Pokemon of that region: Treecko and its evolution, Grovyle, Torchic and its evolutions, Combusken and Blaziken, Mudkip, and its evolution Marshtomp. Two more beloved Pokemon from the region, Poochyena and Skitty, are joining the party too.
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region Piers & Obstagoon

For the next figures, we go back to the Galar region to meet the singing gym leader, Piers and his dark/normal-type Pokemon, Obstagoon. Piers’ figure also comes with a microphone to really show his personality.
Pokemon Scale World Hoenn Region Wally & Gallade

The next Hoenn region duo features one of the rival characters from several Pokemon games, the green-haired Wally! In this set, he is partnered with the Psychic/Fighting Pokemon, Gallad, and together they form a matching color combo.
Pokemon Scale World Hoenn Region Wallace & Milotic

We’re still expanding on the Hoenn region with the next pair of figures. We have Pokemon trainer Wallace, who’s known to specialize in water-type Pokemon, and he is paired up with the aquatic Milotic, and they’re both ready to win some Pokemon Contests.
Pokemon Scale World Hoenn Region Steven Stone & Metagross

The next trainer joining the world is the suit-wearing Steven Stone, and just like the other trainers, he is partnered with the Pokemon type he specializes in. In this case, Steven specializes in steel-type Pokemon, which makes Steel/Psychic-type Metagross the perfect partner for him.
Pokemon Scale World Hoenn Region 02 Set

May and Brendan are back with new outfits and new Pokemon for the Hoenn Region 02 Set! This time they’re accompanied by Plusle, Minun, Castform, Feebas, Swablu and its evolution Altaria, Ralts and its evolutions, Kirlia and Gardevoir.
Pokemon Scale World Galar Region Hop & Dubwool

Going back to the Galar region, we have our neighbor from Pokemon Sword and Shield, Hop. Hop is coming in alongside the sheep-like Pokemon, Dubwool.
Pokemon Scale World Hoenn Region Groudon

For the next few Pokemon set to be introduced from October 2021 onwards, we’ll be diving into super-ancient Pokémon, starting with Groudon. Groudon’s figure recreates its scale-like skin and the snarl that its become famous for.
Pokemon Scale World Hoenn Region Kyogre

The next super-ancient Pokémon of the bunch is Kyogre, who will be released on November 2021. The Kyogre figure is seen in a flat, outstretched position and looking ready to traverse the oceans.
Pokemon Scale World Hoenn Region Rayquaza

The last super-ancient Pokémon is the fierce-looking, serpent-like Rayquaza. Rayquaza is set to be introduced to Pokemon Scale World in November 2021.
Buy Pokemon Scale World 1/20 Scale Figures with FROM JAPAN
Do you want to catch ‘em all and add these gorgeous Pokemon Scale World figures to your collection? Well you don’t have to search the land far and wide in order to get your hands on some awesome Poke-swag! By using FROM JAPAN’s proxy bidding and buying service you can pre-order future Pokemon Scale World sets and get tons of Japanese-exclusive items shipped directly to your door. Happy shopping with FROM JAPAN!